Find the Little Lost Sturgeon ROUND 2
Stella has been found! But we want to keep the fun rolling. There is $100 up for grabs for one lucky individual!
This round, things will work a little differently! Although, Stella is warm and safe here in the Destination Lake Winnebago Region office we want you to use the clues to find her hiding place. Clue posting will resume Friday (1/27) and will be posted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays until Monday, Febuary 13.
Here’s how to play:
– In place of Stella we have hidden a QR code that will be laminated. Based on the clues you must locate this QR code and submit your information to be entered to win $100.
But here’s the catch!
— Anyone who shares details of the QR code location on social media will be removed from the drawing to win.
We want this contest to be fun for everyone to play and work to decode the clues! Please keep your guesses and the final location to yourself.
Keep in mind the less information that is shared the better chance YOU have of winning the drawing.
Happy hunting!
Before you run out to find me there are a few things you should know. – I am within the Fond du Lac City limits! I can easily be found without destroying property or tearing anything apart. I am outside! Oh yeah! And maybe the most important thing of all there is a $100 up for grabs.
The nice people at Destination Lake Winnebago Region and Sunny 97.7 are going to help you find me! Every other day (M-F) they will be publishing clues about where I am. These clues will be on Facebook (Destination Lake Winnebago Region Visitors Bureau at 8 am) (Sunny 97-7 at noon), Instagram (destinationlakewinnebago), and live on the radio (Sunny 97-7) at noon after the news!
• QR code is hidden on public property; you do not have to dig or destroy anything to find it!
• It is not in a local cemetery, or on private property!
• Once you find the QR code, you will find further instructions on how to enter the contest. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THE QR CODE.
• Winner must consent to a photo to be published across multi-platforms.
• Clues will not be given over the phone.
• QR code will not be within 15 ft of any body of water.
• Contest ends Monday, February 13th at midnight.
Monday, January 23rd: The street that I’m on (can’t tell you the name.) That would make it too easy and
that would be a shame.
Friday, January 27th: This place is in FONDY. Of that, we are sure. There’s swings, slides and more.
Monday, January 30th: To my south is a place where moths like to play. The things there are old but cannot be sold.
Wednesday, February 1st: Tucked away in a popular place, a place that’s good for winter play.
Friday, February 3rd: To my east, you can roll around with a set of wheels on your feet.
Monday, February 6th: Not far to the west is a sweet lover’s dream with custard, not ice cream, this is a treat! Remember: The QR code is hidden on public property; you do not have to dig or destroy anything to find it! It is not in a local cemetery, or on private property!
Wednesday, February 8th: On a perfect summer day, this place is really neat! Bring a blanket or a chair and have a seat!
Friday, February 10th: Whether you are wooshing or swooshing, down you will go. On this mighty landform when it’s covered in snow.
Monday, February 13th: This place shares a name with Wisconsin’s favorite treat. No, it’s not cheese. It’s often used when you make things that are sweet.

Sturgi wants to go sturgeon spearing, but he lost all of his equipment! All of Sturgi’s lost items can be found at various downtown Fond du Lac businesses. Once you spy a piece of equipment picture simply write the location you found it in the space below the matching picture on the back of this form.
HINT: Searching from the outside will give you a clearer peek. All items are hidden in storefronts. No need to enter the business unless you’re looking to shop or dine! The items you are looking for are the same exact items that are pictured on the back of this form.
There are 20 hidden items and you must find all 20 to be eligible for a chance to win. All items will be found within the parameters of the map below.
Pick up and return your “Sturgi Scavenger Hunt” ballot to the Lake Winnebago Region Visitor Center, 23 S. Main Street, Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. Forms can be picked up, emailed, or found at fdl.com beginning Monday, January 23 2023 and must be returned to the Visitor Center by 3pm Monday, February 13 2023 or returned via email by 3pm Monday, February 13, 2023 to lwustrack@fdl.com. Winner will be announced Wednesday, February 15, 2023.
Winners will be picked randomly from correct, completed ballot entries. Winner will receive $597.70.

The locations listed below will be serving Signature Blood Marys from Friday, February 10 through Sunday, February 12. With the purchase of every single Bloody Mary scan the QR code at the participating location, fill out the form, and be entered for a chance to win $100. A $100 will be selected at each location. Winners will be notified after the event.
PARTICIPATING SPECIALS LOCATIONS: Brick House, Cellar District, Coliseum Sports Bar and Grill, Fat Joe’s Burgers and Brew, Korneli’s Bar, Lighthouse Wine Bar and Bistro, Lobby Bar at Hotel Retlaw, O’Davey’s Pub, Slim & Chubbys, Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts, Third and One, Top Shelf Sports Bar & Grill, Theos, 3ACES North/Sully’s
The Art of the Bloody Mary Build Competition: Sturgeon Spectacular, THE ART OF THE BLOODY MARY contest concludes with area bartenders going head-to-head to build the best Bloody! Join us Sunday, February 12th at 11am before a panel of world-renowned Bloody Mary experts. Starting at 11:45am vote for the Peoples Choice award and Best Tasting competition!
Disclaimer: Must be 21 years of age or older to participate. Business owners have the right to change their specials at any time. No purchase necessary to win. For non-purchase entry, write on a postcard or a card that is no smaller than 3 ½ x 5 inches and no larger than 4 ¼ x 6 inches, legibly handwrite your complete name, mailing address, phone number and date of birth and mail with proper postage to: DLWR Spear the Special, 23 S. Main Street Suite 201, Fond du Lac, WI 54935. All write-in entries must be received by February 12, 2023. There is a limit of one (1) write-in entry per envelope/postcard. Each envelope/postcard is considered one (1) entry into the Contest. Multiple entries submitted or completed by anyone other than the Entrant are void. No mechanical reproductions will be accepted. Write-in entries must contain all entry fields outlined above; otherwise, they are void and will not be eligible to win. Any potential prize winner may be requested to provide Sponsor with proof that such person is the prize winner. Neither Sponsor nor any Contest Entity is responsible for any entry that is lost, late, illegible, stolen, mutilated, incomplete, invalid, unintelligible, postage-due, misdirected or undeliverable, whether due to omissions, interruption, deletions, defects, delay in operations, theft or destruction or failures, human error, or otherwise. Only fully completed entries are eligible. Proof of submission will not be deemed to be proof of receipt by Sponsor or Contest Entity. Email info@fdl.com with questions find official rules at sturgeonspectacular.com